Consumer electronics are electronic equipment intended for people's everyday use.
They help keep you entertained, connected with others, and productive. One cardinal characteristic of such products is the trend of ever-falling prices, due to manufacturing automation, semiconductor design improvements, and the economies that derive from mass selling.
A powerful newish trend is for online adults to use their home computers to listen to audio content. More and more people are looking to their home computers instead of their TVs, DVD players or CD players for home audio entertainment, and are deserting their TVs, magazines and newspapers in favor of using computers and the Internet for getting information.
Outfit your home, office or car with consumer electronics. Build a home theatre, and watch TV as it was meant to be watched -- on a big screen, with surround sound and high quality speakers. If you spend a lot of time in your car, equip it with a good quality car audio system and powerful speakers. Consumer electronics help to make your office and home more comfortable and more exciting.
How can you know which products are best? There are many online sources of this information, such as Consumer Reports ( You can also access free Consumer Reports online courtesy of your local library ( Also you can consult the Consumers' Web Watch (, the Consumers' Union (, and the Consumer Electronics Net (
You can find slightly more technical but still readable and objective reviews at,,, and (Tom̢۪s Hardware Guide).
A happy shopper is an informed shopper. Be one yourself.
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